creative provision

last night our c/group met at saxbys. it was a neat way to break out of the same ole' mold of meeting at my house. how fitting that the venue would much reflect the discussion and turn of events that occurred. for starters, the gals led the conversation. some of them shared things they had pre-determined they would share. some of them talked about what was on their mind at the time. all of it felt God-inspired and had purpose.

then the man walked over.

he asked if we knew who owned the saturn. i told him it was mine. and he confessed he'd scratched it.

he started reaching in his wallet and i said, "oh, are you giving me your business card?" and he said, "no, i want to compensate you for it." so i told him i should go look at it.

i excused myself from the table and walked with him to my car. we exchanged names and shook hands. his name is jim.

he showed me the scratch and i almost laughed out loud. it was about the size of a teardrop. i said, "dood, let's just not worry about this." and he said again that he wanted to compensate me.

we volleyed like this a few times, me trying to explain it's just 'stuff' and it's not worth it. he felt otherwise.

finally i said, "sir." he looked me square in the face. i said, "i am going to give you grace on this. because i have been given infinite grace by God. i'm a christian-" and he exclaimed, "me, too!"

"so then you know what i'm talking about. and now you have a great story that can help you share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others." and he said, "i already have a good story. take the money." and he held something out to me.

i put my hands up in the air to fend off the unnecessary offering. again more verbal-volley. when it was apparent he would not give in, with my hands still up, i told him, "sir, you have to know that if i take that money i am not going to use it to fix the scratch. i am going to put it toward a mission trip i am going on in the summer. i'm going to uganda to care for orphans at the village of hope and to bring them food."

and he told me to use it for that and wished me blessings. and he put a 100 dollar bill in my hand.

a few days ago i prayed, "Lord, if you have called me on this trip, then please provide financial support, because i don't know how to do it on my own." and he did. he sure did.

i went back to where the girls were still sitting and told them what happened. it was neat getting to share that moment with them on an evening that was so far from the same ole' mold. i'm grateful for these young women in my life. i love getting to see life through their eyes and watch their own lives unfold before me. and i pray they see God providing for them in creative ways, just as he is providing support for this trip.

... does anyone else want to park too close to my saturn?...

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