
happy birfday, my heart!

john 18:17-18 talks about peter's first denial of Christ. the study guide indicates that peter's story is displayed to magnify the forgiveness found in Jesus.

how interesting, that just yesterday i was talking to a pastor at work about how i have learned to no longer wallow in the guilt of bad choices, but to celebrate how great God's redemption is that i am no longer living the life i had, or making the choices i've made.

i was telling him that it has been a year and a half of God teaching me so much (i have had the greatest spiritual growth spurt since working at the church), and how i've finally tasted the freedom God has in store for us. how i am finally able to focus on God and not me and my sin. how i am able to finally open up about stupid stuff i do (instead of trying to look perfect all the time) and allow other people to be blessed by how God can use someone like me. to show them - there is hope for them as well.

i would love to say that i have always made good choices, that i always had my eyes on Him, that i became a christian and evermore walked the straight path. but alas i cannot. but here is what i can claim!! - my life can now magnify the forgiveness found in jesus! amen and amen!


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chaos? monotony?

both. neither. a mashup.

all of the above.

whatever it is, it is my life.

and i love every minute of it.

:: trace jackson