charletains on the home page

so here i am utilizing youtube because we are somewhat limited right now in how we can present videos on our website. and we have this really awesome video that 'advertises' our upcoming series called purity in a polluted world.

so here's this video sitting on our front page of the website for all the world to see, or at the very least visible to the congregation i attend, my fellow staffers, and my senior pastor. and after this great, cool, clean video draws to an end, up pops these 'related' videos. which weren't that great or cool or even related. and were the very antithesis of clean.

suffice it to say they are part of the polluted world out of which we need purity.

i got a call from my communications director and jumped online to get something on the front page while i sought a solution. after scouring the community help pages, there it was - six blessed characters that would keep me from getting a phone call from the pastor's wife: &rel=0

it means after the video plays, it will not search for any 'related' videos.

muuuuuuch better.

i love you &rel=0. you keep me out of trouble, sane, and pure in a polluted world. i think i might hug you.


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