the seat of faith

on monday, in lieu of our staff meeting and potluck, we went on a prayer tour. at 11:15 we loaded onto a yellow school bus with our sack lunches, found our seats and settled in with our 3eMcKinney prayer tour booklet that took us through some tough areas of mckinney as well as highlighted some great programs that are in place to serve those less fortunate than ourselves. the booklet also described different ways of taking the prayer tour - we were in for the drive-by-prayer adventure.

we listened to larry (3e's exec director) narrate our trip, as we bumped along through parts of mckinney i had never seen, in fact didn't even know existed. it was eye-opening to see what happens right under our noses and yet escape our attention every day.

it was an incredible opportunity to learn more about as well as pray for our community. it made me want to step it up in service because i believe in all the things 3e and other organizations are trying to do to help.

when we stopped to let one our staff out for a bathroom run (i will not squeal on her by giving up a name!! and besides when we stopped quite a few others took advantage of bathroom availability) i snapped a photo of the rest of us.

the really cool thing was that i noticed there were names above all the seats and so of course i immediately turned to see what name was over mine. it was faith. and it dawned on me, "i'm in the seat of faith".

my friend chris snapped a photo of me holding up my prayer book next to faith's name.

while we are in the middle of our series on faith, it was a great reminder that having the kind of faith you read about in hebrews 11, is the same kind of faith i can have. those are ordinary people, and so am i. extraordinary faith is possible for even me.

i love that God brought that to my attention and that He wants me in the seat of faith.


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