the e word

my dot and i went to a leader rally this morning at church. we looked at the church's direction for the next year or so and about hopping on board this i am second movement. it pretty much boils down to the 'e' word.

people don't like the word evangelism. it drums up all kinds of negative images and connotations. but the truth of the matter is, it isn't going away and it continues to remain our call as christians. but it isn't about religion and it isn't about force feeding anything to anyone. it's about being Jesus to those that need Him. it's about people and relationships and hurts that need healing and hearts that need love. it's about doing what Jesus did and is still all about.

i love that my church desire to do just that. it makes me proud to be a part of such an incredible group of people.

i hope and pray God provides me opportunities to share my story with other people and tell them why i am no longer first in my life. i want people to know the grace i have experienced and let them know it is there for them as well. i want to live for the God who loved me and saved me and is deserving of all praise. i just.. well i just want to love God with every thing i am and give my life back to Him to use however He sees fit.


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